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OOTD July 26/11

Here's a first! And not really something I foresee doing a whole lot, it isn't really my thing! But I bought this dress yesterday at Forever 21 and I looove it so much, I had to take a picture! But wouldn't you know when I left for work this morning I get outside and it's cold and rainy. :( I sucked it up though and wore it to work anyways since I'm indoors all day so the weather doesn't matter much! It was too cute to change out of (not that I had time to anyways!).

The necklace is also from F21! It's a gold chain with a little loop and then three gold leaves dangling from it. The shrug is from Dynamite.

Just a heads up though - there may be another OOTD tomorrow because I also bought a really cute top from Stitches and I may want to show it off!

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