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What's Been Keeping Me Extra Busy Lately

When I was much, much smaller-- and well, younger-- I was extremely fascinated with pretty paper and writing. I collected and swapped scented stationery and metallic pens (these were all the rage in fourth grade) with my friends and classmates. Aside from the pens, I never used the stationery. I just loved looking at them. I would reserve them for more importance use and for extra special recipients. That would happen once a year for the annual school recollection/retreat. 

The love for stationery went on until I was in high school, this time, colored post-its were part of my fascination, and with better motor skills (I guess), doodles had filled out my notebooks and the notes and letters I would give to friends. 

Having gone to a non-sectarian University, there were no recollections or retreats to save and use stationery for anymore. Doodling persisted and a collection for pretty notebooks ensued. 

When I started working, notebooks were replaced by notepads. I collected, no hoarded, pretty notebooks that I did not use until I decided to get into calligraphy. My doodles graduated into beautiful letter forms! 

My calligraphy projects turned into commissioned works for weddings (our own included!), but I felt limited. So late last year, very close to Christmas, I thought I'd venture into designing my own notepads and other personalized merchandise. Luckily, I had supportive friends and colleagues who trusted me to make for them (and for their friends and family!). 

So now, apart from working as a researcher, I'm inching my way towards setting up a stationery business. And this has been making me blissfully extra busy, and happy, lately xxx

Sharing some of my works below xxx And if you're looking to buy bespoke notepads, ribbons, or thinking of someone to help you with branding, hit me up on Facebook. xxx

 (Photo by Daniel Talavera)

 (Photo by Daniel Talavera)

 (Photo by Daniel Talavera)

 (Photo by Anne Naig Photography)

  (Photo by Anne Naig Photography)

  (Photo by Anne Naig Photography)

  (Photo by Anne Naig Photography)

 (Photo by Anne Naig Photography)

 (Photo by Mediarama Creatives)

 (Photo by Mediarama Creatives)

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