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preserving what money can't buy with ViaCord

myself and a fellow Blogher blogger at the ViaCord event

What the heck does a minimalist fashion and lifestyle blog have to do with science? That's what you'll be wondering quite soon, which is completely understandable as it was the question that was repeatedly popping up over and over again while posing for the picture above in the lobby of one of the world's largest PR firms for a supremely over-my-level-of-comprehension conference event for ViaCord. But as with most things judged based on ignorance with just a smidgin of self-absorption, my mind was blown that there was a whole industry I knew nothing about that was saving as many lives as stilettos were tripping up not so effortless fashionistas strolling on cobblestone streets. Is it that we all have our heads to far up our you know whats, or is it more than that? When I mused about my minimalist number (a number that's so much less embarrassing for people to proclaim than the other number, cough cough) I posed a question to you all: what would life loom like if we weren't spending 70% of our time buying crap we don't need? Becoming minimalist or living more consciously is not just about saving face, saving debt, or saving the environment, we can actually be in tune with opportunities that can save lives. I should know seeing as how my lifelong dream is to have even just a fraction of Oprah or Bill Gates' fortune so I can spend my latter life as a philanthropist. Well low and behold, not going into debt for the sake of collecting Givenchy bags because some superficial fashion blogger said so means I can also benefit my family because yes, being a mother one day is a dream that will forever trump having the biggest wardrobe among my circle of friends.

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