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Nicole Kidman returns to his fall : ' I was scared ! '

While the images of the fall made ​​the round of the Internet world , Nicole Kidman is back on the incident. And what emerges from this altercation ? The actress was " very scared " . 

Humiliated , ridiculed ... Not easy to get up after such a fall during Fashion Week . Yet the star of 46 years , Nicole Kidman stands tall .

Nobody could escape the images of Nicole Kidman struck and knocked down by a paparazzi bike just before attending the parade Calvin Klein.

the star wanted to complain, except that the Police has decidedly different: simple accident and the paparazzi went home with a fine for having driven onto the sidewalk. Difficult to swallow when everyone can revel in incident. And the fine must be a cold comfort for the actress .
Nicole Kidman came back last night on the hook and is entrusted to Entertainment Tonight . "I'm fine , yes, but I was a bit scared . " And apparently she did not want to leave the matter there. She would like the author of his humiliation is continued but " leave it to the police."

Not wanting too much to dwell on the issue , the actress changed the subject by talking about the show which she had just witnessed , stating that her favorite dresses " were the last two. "

One thing is certain , Nicole remembered his visit to the Big Apple .

you find it normal it attacks the paparazzi in court?

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