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I now love Tom Ford nail varnish


I am not normally one for expensive nail varnish. The reason being that I buy new colors without finishing the old ones and then stock pile them.

I always make sure I have a black and a red though. My current black - a Nails Inc one is coming to the end of its short life. I used it to paint the sole of some shoes and now have less then half a bottle left which I am sure is getting a bit thick and gloopy now.

I love this though. Blackened Jade from Tom Ford. I am hoping this isn't a limited edition because there is nowhere to buy Tom Ford in Nottingham and I have to content myself with going to Brown Thomas whenever I am in Dublin. Which is rare given that Dublin and I have other things to entertain ourselves with - normally wine.

There is a blue version of this as well but I prefer this one. I don't know what it is with me and green but.......mmmmm......jade.....

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