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Allura Caviar Nail Beads

Allura Caviar Nail Beads

This is just a quick post. My daughter saw these when she was shopping today, and bought them for me as a surprise :) Allura Caviar Nail Micro Beads. They where from Poundland, and it's the thought that counts, not what they cost. That's how I've brought my four children up, so must be doing something right lol. They are nicely packaged, 12 little bottles of micro beads. Some bottles have more beads in than others, but then I can't imagine someone sitting there counting each tiny bead that goes into each bottle lol so I don't mind. :)

I know it looks like each bottle has the same amount in, but this is only as I laid them down to take the photo in the beautiful sun we had today in the UK :)


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