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Charlies Nail Art

Snowmen Nails 

Are the weeks going quicker or is it just me? I mean it only seems like the other day I posted my Charlies Nail Art review. Well hello again, and welcome to my next Friday review with these super cute Friendly Snowman nail wraps. These wraps are water decals and are priced at 89p.
The difference between these and regular water decals are that these are solid and on a white backing. There are 5 different sizes and 2 of the same image, with one side showing a reversed image. Now even for my long nails these were fine, I did add a tiny bit of white polish at the tip of 2 nails to blend in with the snow effect of the wrap, but it hardly noticeable!  I found a matte finish suited these better than a glossy one. What do you think?

Super cute and so sweet, I especially like the pinky finger one with the snowman cuddling a teddy bear! For these and any item Christmas related or not, my 15% discount code is below for you to use.
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Have a great day and as always stay safe, much love.....

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