“Change your thoughts and you change your world!”
Are you someone that notices the energy of people or picks up on “vibes” in certain situations?
I am a firm believer in positivity and what that can do for you. Basically, whatever energy you surround yourself with, positive or negative, that is the energy you are going to see more of. It can also be said about our thoughts and what we are thinking. Have you ever noticed that when you are feeling good, happy or not worried about something that more good things just seem to happen? Or conversely that when something doesn’t go the way you want it to, and the more you focus on that bad thing, the more similar things seem to happen?
Even though I believe in attracting good things, I don’t mean in a way that it requires no action. I just mean it in a way that if you want good or positive things to happen, then it is in your best interest to focus on more positive things. It’s easy to think that because our thoughts are essentially invisible that nobody knows and they can’t do any harm, but that simply isn’t true. In fact, I have most definitely learned the hard way that I need to focus on the things that I am grateful for rather than worrying about the things I don’t have.
If any of you out there have kids you will probably know this is true – tell a kid to NOT jump on the furniture, what they more often than not hear is the “jump on the furniture part”…
Positivity attracts more positivity, and so on!
It’s definitely easier to be positive or happy IF or WHEN something happens than it is even when things aren’t going the way you want them to. I may or may not have mentioned this before, but I absolutely hate rain. On my recent trip to Norway and Scotland, we definitely experienced some rain, wind, colder temperatures and things that might have totally put a damper on our whole trip. So you may be thinking “how could I possibly feel anything but amazing being on vacation in this places and seeing the amazing scenery that I did”…well, it is definitely possible. In fact, at one point in my life, I would have been so focused on how much I hated the rain, how cold it was or that things weren’t going EXACTLY the way I wanted them to…
I constantly battle with triggers & learning to change my response to them. What I have found is that even though certain things do still trigger me, I am getting better at my response. I am not letting the negativity or my sometimes unrealistic expectations control me! I enjoyed every moment of my trip, rain, cold and all. I traded my expectations for appreciations and let me tell you, I much prefer that kind of experience.
Even returning back to work after being gone for 10 days was not a chore for me…that has to be a WIN all in itself, right?
Happy Thursday – as the weekend approaches focus on positive self talk, and positive thoughts…let me know if you notice a difference
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