This will mark the spot where I sat down to eat breakfast. Yeah, it's not an Earth shattering monumental occasion. However, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. And if it's necessary to drink a beverage, so much better that it's a non-alcoholic beverage. There is nothing wrong with drinking either coffee or soda pop. Heck, it's perfectly normal to drink both coffee and soda pop. Why the heck not. At least you'll remember everything you did and you won't feel humiliated about knowing and remembering. Today, I ate oatmeal instead of dry cereal. Normally, I eat dry cereal without milk. Because it's not dry cereal anymore if it's wet and soggy. If I wanted wet and soggy cereal, I'd be eating oatmeal instead of Cheerios. Anyway, I'm nearly finishing my breakfast. Time to see what happens next for today.
And as I'm lost in thought about being lost in thought and I'm still trying to find the map, here are some photos of Padma Lakshmi.
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