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Carrie Jones's "Enhanced"

Carrie Jones is the New York Times bestseller author of the Need series, Time Stoppers series, Flying series, Girl, Hero, Tips on Having a Gay (ex) Boyfriend, and Love (and other uses for duct tape).

Here Jones dreamcasts an adaptation of her new book, Enhanced: Flying Series (Volume 2):
I almost always see scenes unfold in my head like movies or dreams when I write, but often I experience it from the main character’s point of view, more like I’m inhabiting that character especially when writing in the first person.

For Flying and Enhanced, I envision the character of Mana as mixed race and looking a bit like Maja Salvador or Kim Chiu. The film itself I see as a quirky mash-up between Captain America in terms of action and that buddy-flick feel combined with the ensemble teen aspects of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with some bizarre Men in Black send-ups thrown in.

In a way, Enhanced is a bit of a tongue-in-cheek homage to all of those movies, but mostly it’s a celebration of friendship and loyalty.
Visit Carrie Jones's website.

Coffee with a Canine: Carrie Jones & Tala.

Writers Read: Carrie Jones.

--Marshal Zeringue

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